Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Never Accept Presents from the Enemy

So the story of Odysseus...we've all heard it before, right? Read about it in (multiple) English classes even. Regardless, the story of Odysseus and the Trojan Horse is only a small fraction of Odysseus's journey, but important nonetheless. It's the Trojan War between the Trojans and the Greeks and the Trojans are well protected behind the fortified walls of the city of Troy. But, Odysseus was a sneaky one he was, and he came up with the idea to build a giant wooden horse in which all but one of the Greeks would hide. Then, the one remaining Greek would add as a spokesperson and tell the Trojans that the Greek had left and given them the giant horse as a "Congrats, you won the war!" type deal. Their plan worked flawlessly, and once inside, while the Trojans were rejoicing and getting drunk, celebrating a war they didn't win, the Greeks all poured out of the horse and slaughtered the men and enslaved the men and children. So that just goes to show, always look a gift wooden horse in the mouth.

As for my dream journey, I sure hope it's not as hazard-filled as Odysseus's. It's funny, because when I think of my dream journey, I always end up thinking of where I will eventually settled down. And stay. Cause, who wants to be a Cain, an aimless wanderer forever? Though, that's not to say I wouldn't like some adventure and exploration! And when it comes to where I would like to one day live, or even where I would like to live for that matter, I tend to teeter on the two extremes of the spectrum. I can imagine myself going urban, in the middle of the hustle-and-bustle, living in some swanky loft overlooking the traffic-filled streets of....wherever. But then, I could also picture myself in an urban setting, owning an old cottage or victorian house in the middle of nowhere which I renovated, and I could own chickens, and I could relax, and the air would be clean and fresh and everything would be peaceful. Comparing those two, I have no idea where I'll end up, so I guess that takes me to the journey again. I want to be able to experience (most) everything at least (cliched, I know) because maybe, if I do it all, backpack somewhere, take a month long road trip, anything, I might just discover enough about myself that I realize what it is I actually want, whether it be rural or urban. Or hell, suburbia (though I'm not holding my breath for that one.)

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