Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Trojan Horse

It’s the Trojan War and the Greek strategist Odysseus must devise a plan to defeat the Trojans once and for all. The walls of Troy are high and mighty – this war cannot be won by a mere all-out attack. Instead, Odysseus opted for a plan of deception. He planned to stuff the Greek soldiers into a large wooden horse, now dubbed the “Trojan Horse,” which a Greek soldier would bring to the Trojans under the guise of an appeasement gift, as they seemingly had surrendered and needed to make amends with the goddess Athena. What the Trojans had in military strength they lacked in critical thinking skills, as to me it would seem suspicious that all the Greek soldiers had miraculously disappeared and now a giant wooden horse was being presented to me. Oh well. The Trojans accepted the gift and the horse was brought into Troy. That night, a celebration was held, and the Trojans served no shortage of spirits to celebrate. Oh, if only they had known. Inebriated and unprepared to defend themselves, the Trojans were helpless when the Greek soldiers sprang from the horse and began to slaughter the Trojan populace. With that lapse in critical judgment, the Trojans lost the war over Helen of Troy’s pretty face.

My dream journey? It’s hard to describe, as I am a typical white person and describe my life goal as seeing the world. And it’s true – I have many places I want to see and only so many resources to get there. From a young age I planned to learn Chinese and eventually Japanese so I could have a job relating to international relations with East Asia, so naturally I am interested in traveling there. I want to see Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, Laos, the gamut of it. I also want to tour Europe to see if it’s true that Europeans have no spine not just the monuments but how the peoples of these nations live. My confusing status in my quest to learn Spanish takes me to South America, where perhaps I might learn the language more quickly than I could in limbo where I’m not in Spanish classes anymore but still want to learn the language.
Africa and the Middle-East are something else. It’s not a race thing – it’s just the thought of venturing to some of the countries in those regions frightens me a little. I’d elaborate, but this post is almost due and I don’t have much of worth to add anyway. Huzzah!

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