Tuesday, September 17, 2013

cain and abel

In Genesis 4, Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain worked in the fields and Abel worked with the livestock and when it was time to give offerings up to the Lord Cain brought some of the fruits from the soil but Abel brought portions of the fattened calf. God looked favorably on Abel and his offering but not as much on Cain and his offering. Cain was very jealous of his brother and because of this he became very angry. God asked Cain why he was angry and told him that as long as what he did was right he would not be punished. After hearing this Cain took his brother out into the field and killed him. When God found out about what Cain had done he punished him. Cain's punishment was that no matter how hard he worked in the fields the soil would never produce any fruit.

This passage of the Bible illustrates that someone and their work will always be better than you and yours but you should not lose heart! Even if you are not the best at everything you do, even if you do not have the best of everything, you should still do everything to the best of your ability and should still be satisfied of everything you have. As long as you are doing your best you are not doing anything wrong and therefore will not be punished for it. 

I have two younger half sisters, one is five years younger than me, and the other nine years younger than me. Because of the large age difference our conflicts are minimal. I never had to worry about sharing my toys as a child, and by the time either of them were born I was old enough to understand that babies needed more attention. The most conflict I have with either of my younger sisters is with my eight year old sister, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, to say it nicely, is a brat. My father and her mother do not discipline her and it astounds me how misbehaved she is. My mom raised both me and my other sister to be very well mannered especially to adults, something Elizabeth sorely lacks. She has no manners what so ever. Please and thank you do not even exist in her vocabulary and she is so rude. I have no patience for this behavior so I call her out on it and then she screams at me and cries in her room for an hour but that is really the only conflict I have with either of my siblings.

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