Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Beginning

How did the world begin? Where did animals originate? Who was the first human on earth? All of these questions are addressed in Genesis 1-3. In Genesis 1, The Beginning, God creates everything. He made light and dark, calling it day and night. He separated land from water. He produced vegetation on the land. He created animals. It basically says God created everything. He also created a man, the first man on earth. Adam named everything. In Genesis 2, it talks about Adam and Eve. God created Eve so Adam could have a suitable helper. He told them not to eat the fruit from the tree, but Eve was tricked and she and Adam both ate it, and are immediately filled with shame. God banishes them from the Garden of Eden.

I have heard the story of Adam and Eve numerous times. I went to a Christian pre school so I learned from a young age that God created everything. I used to go to church every Sunday when I was little, but as I got older, my parents didn't really enforce that I go. I do Younglife with my school and have small group once a week and faith plays a role in my daily life. I never lost the belief that God created us. How else does one explain how the oceans were created, where day and night came from, why horses are called horses, and most importantly, where we come from?  So where did I come from? I came from Adam and Eve.

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