Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Huzzah for the Trojan Horse!

The story of the Trojan Horse begins at the near end of the Trojan War. Our boy Odysseus is trying to think of some ingenious plan to end the war with the victory of the Greeks, and he finally comes up with a solution--the Trojan Horse. The Greeks make a plan to construct an enormous wooden horse and all hide in it, while one member has the job of acting as though they left him behind and then explaining the horse to the Trojans. This all goes according to plan (although there are several Trojans who can tell something is amiss; fortunately for the Greeks, they are ignored.) and the Trojans accept the horse as a gift. The Greeks emerge from the horse to find the Trojans drunk, celebrating their supposed victory, and thus are able to easily slaughter the soldiers and capture the town.

I don't really know where I'd want to go if I could go anywhere I wanted... there are too many options! I'd love to return to the Badlands in South Dakota, and of course there's England and Scotland, and the time I spent in Guatemala was one of the most amazing times of my life... so difficult to decide! It's funny, though; I've been thinking about places to go, mostly in the continental US, a lot lately, but not because they'd be somewhere that I'd go. I'm writing a young adult novel for my mentoring project, and it's about four teenagers on a road trip. It's kinda a horrible thing that I'm still figuring out where on earth my characters are going, but I honestly don't know yet. I've been trying to figure out the places the four of them individually would want to go, and then see if there's a good path between them all, but I seem to be coming to conclusions of Maine and the Grand Teton National Park (and probably the Badlands, too), which is potentially very problematic, given that the two are not what one might call neighbors. I digress! The point is that the possibilities are endless for myself, but that I have in fact been considering journeys and trips more often than usual in the past few weeks.

Look! Just look at the Badlands! If you don't think they're beautiful, then I will...  respectfully disagree with you. So beautiful! I'll probably live through my characters and send them here, at least for a little while.

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