Thursday, September 26, 2013


This story is set during the Trojan wars between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Trojans are protected inside the walled city of Troy. For this, the Greeks find it hard to attack them. They need a plan to invade. So Odysseus develops a plan. He pitches the idea that they should build a large horse built of wood that is hollow inside, and then all of the Greek soldier would hide inside. One man would stay out and present it to the Trojans as a peace offering. The Trojans naively accept and celebrate immensely. They get very drunk, and while they are drunk the Greeks jump out of the trojan horse and attack them. The fact that they were drunk made it very easy for the Greeks to attack.

Analyzing this story, there are a couple of themes to look at. The fact that the Trojans accepted this so quickly tells how we should never accept everything for face value. This can be applied to many things, but one application of this could be to media. Media is often a trojan horse in the fact that they present things to make us believe what THEY want us to believe, but it is often not true. Another theme in this story is how the Trojans get very drunk when they get this peace offering. Their drunkedness makes it easy for the Greeks to attack them, thus telling us to never abuse or overindulge in things.

My dream journey would be traveling the world. If everything in my life were perfect, I would go to a good college, get out and work for the Food network and travel the world trying different foods on my TV show and seeing all the amazing cities and cultures throughout the world.

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