Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Genesis 4

In this story Adam and Eve had two children, Cain and Abel. Cain grew crops and Abel herded sheep. One day God called upon them to make a sacrifice as an offering. Cain presented to the lord a share of his crops, and Abel presented a lamb. God was happier with Abel's gift than he was with Cain's, so Cain got jealous of Abel. Cain murdered his brother and then God cursed him.

I have a little brother named Nathan and I give him shit all the time. He is a year younger than me, and basically he is really quiet and I just want to have a sibling rivalry with him, but he would rather lock himself in his room. I still manage to break in and raise hell though, and then get mad at him when he finally punches me in the face in response to me tackling him. We help each other out when we need it, and we entertain each other at family events. I fight with my brother probably once every other week at this point. Sometimes I go a whole week without seeing him or knowing where he is. His favorite color is green. Nathan.
This is Nathan several years ago. He doesn't have that gap anymore. His hair is blonde in the summer. He's the Abel to my Cain.

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