Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In the Beginning God was a Total Bro

So the creation story of the Bible goes like this.
At first there was nothing in the universe except the omnipresent and inexplicable being known as God. After a while (can I even say that? I mean time didn't even exist so is it really a while? Or is it no time at all?) God gets bored and goes "Yo dawg lets make some stuff in this void" and BAM suddenly the Earth and BAM suddenly the sky and stars and moon and sun etc. But God isn't done because apparently the fact that he literally just conjured all of existence out of thin (air? nothing?) isn't hardcore enough so he makes life. BAM antelope and BAM giraffe and BAM man. And then he's all "Yo dawg this dude looks lonely that's not right why don't I rip out his rib and fashion a living creature out of it because you know that's not creepy at all." And yeah so now you have all of creation and also humans made in the space of six days and then on day seven God just kinda sits back in his beanie bag and says to himself "I done good" and yeah so that's why every seventh day is a day of worship because God sat back and said "I done good" so we all gotta emulate that and sit back and say "He done good" and that's just the universe for you I guess.
So then everything is all chill people living in this totally rad paradise but this sleazy snake Satan has to come along and be all "Yo Eve lady wanna try some of my sick product" and Eve is like "Yeah this paradise God gave me just isn't really floatin' my boat so I'm gonna RUIN EVERYTHING and eat this apple-fruit-thing" and then Adam comes along and does the fruit-drugs with them and God gets mad because he's all "Yo dawg I told you not to touch the apple-fruit-drugs why you gotta be like that" and of course since Adam is a sleazy dude he's like "No man it wasn't me that chick made me do it you know how women are" and so God is like "Yo dawg disobedience and misogyny aren't cool so I'm gonna curse you and cast you out sucks for you" and he invokes his sick magykks and banishes Adam and Eve and then this hardcore dude with a flaming sword guards the paradise and yeah that's how a snake and a misogynist ruined society.

Anyway so I grew up in an ultra-Christian house and I mean I don't have anything against religion I'm just not the kind of guy that really handles faith well. I don't like the idea of believing something I can't possibly know is true which is one (of many) reason why I sort of left my faith behind. But reading these chapters I don't really have the same response a lot of the other atheists I know have because when they're all "What that makes no sense" I'm all "What that's beautiful in a nonsense kind of way" and it's weird because yeah I'd love to have that kind of faith but really? A woman made out of a man's rib? Like I'm so not down with that and so I guess I really really appreciate religion for this massive thing that has helped humans survive and rationalize existence and as like this beautiful pinnacle of human creativity but I have a hard time really getting into it and that sucks a lot because I'd love to. Religion is a gorgeous expression of the human mind and I feel like I've lost out on it by being so contrary to everything it says but I guess that's how it is and I'm not gonna force what doesn't come naturally. In the end I guess what I'm trying to say is that I might be an atheist but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate and respect religion, and reading this beautiful story reminds me of how incredible religion really is.

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