Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacob and Esau and Angst

So the story goes like this. Esau is the manly older brother who goes hunting. He's daddy's fave. Jacob is the scrawny lil bro who's a huge momma's boy. Because Esau is the older, all the family's possessions pass on to him. Momma don' like that so she come up with an idea to pass along the inheritance to Jacob. One day ol' Esau come home and he real hungry. Jacob make some nice rabbit stew and taters (what's taters, precious? what's taters eh?) and he makes Esau give up his birthright before he can eat, which, Esau being a big dumb brute, does. Voila, meet master Jacob.

I don't feel that I have a birthright. I come from a relatively low income family, a family I care for but has little in common with me. I suppose the mere fact of my birth merits me certain things like being a citizen (not that it does me any good since I live in a nation that doesn't even recognize my right to engage in a consensual relationship) or being treated with some level of respect (although again, see the previous parenthetical statement.)

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