Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cupid and Psyche

A King had three beautiful daughters. One, however, was more than beautiful. She was a goddess but she wasn’t. But all the people said she was even prettier than Aphrodite (a real goddess). Aphrodite was a vain goddess and this pissed her off. She sent her son, Cupid, down to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest human. He fell in love with her instead because he saw her face and was so blown away that he accidentally pricked himself with an arrow. I mean, really? Ok. Because of a prophecy Psyche goes up to a mountain to wait for her monster husband. She is blown to a beautiful castle. In the castle she is told that she is married but she can only see her husband at night. She is ok with this. I guess she had gotten rather desperate. Anyways, her sisters convince her to look at her husbands face. So one night she finds him sleeping and is blown away by his beauty and accidentally spills hot wax on him. He wakes up and she realizes that it is Cupid. I guess they make a good couple because they both creep on each other while the other one sleeps. Aphrodite is super pissed because Psyche burned her son and told Psyche that she had to pass a test before she could go back to being married to him. Psyche passes all the tests but with help each time and this is not ok with Aphrodite because nothing is. In the end when Psyche is collapsed on the road in a deep slumber, Cupid asks Zeus (Jupiter) for permission to marry her. She drinks some ambrosia and becomes immortal. They live happily ever after with their daughter Hedone or Voluptuas.
I am impressed that this myth ends with everyone alive, in human/immortal form and happy. I approve.

I like love stories. I am not sure what the greatest one is because I cannot think of one. Some that are pretty great are; Pride and Prejudice (because I had to), Bonnie and Clyde (the musical version because it is more dramatic set to a score), Moulin Rouge, Les Miz (all parts), and most other things that are sung about on Broadway.

One of my favorites ends unhappily. This is a happy song from it. But it got cut. L5Y doesn't have really any happy songs...

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