Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"I'm Burning Up A Sun Just To Say Goodbye" -The Doctor

Once upon, there was a king and the king had three daughters. Of course, it was the youngest that was the most beautiful. Her name was Psyche. She was a disastrous beauty, one who was compared to the great Venus, much to the goddess' chagrin. Venus was monumentally jealous, and must seek revenge, obviously. She sent her son Cupid down to the mortal world to make the beauty fall in love with a horrid beast. The plan was going smoothly until Cupid, being a boy, dropped the arrow and pricked himself. This caused him to fall desperately in love with Psyche. Her parents,worried about the lack of marriage proposals, went to the Oracle. The Oracle told them that she was destined to marry a monster and that they must take her to the top of a mountain and leave her there. Being brainwashed mortals, they did as they were told. Every night Psyche's new husband would visit her, but she was forbidden to look at him. But, of course, Psyche grew homesick. She persuaded her husband to let her two sisters visit her. Once they arrived, they became very jealous of Psyche's living arrangements and talked their sister into looking at her husband. The next time he came to her, she light a candle and discovered not a monster but a god. Her husband, Cupid, immediately vanished along with the mansion that Psyche was living in. She went looking for him but could not seem to find him. Finally she went to Venus and asked where he might be. Venus refused to tell her unless she completed incredibly difficult tasks for her, which Psyche did. Cupid finally saw what was going on and convinced Jupiter to stop Venus. They were married and lived happily ever after. Except really 'cause they made Psyche a goddess.

So unlike your stereotypical girl, I'm not really into the whole true love and romance and gushy stuff. This whole story seems silly and childish, but perhaps that's the point. But! That said, I will admit I do enjoy a rom com now and then, mostly for the laughs. I don't really care if there's a feel good ending but I'm not opposed to it. I guess if I had to pick, my favorite love story of all time isn't really a love story.... But it kinda is, the Doctor and Rose Tyler! Most definitely the kind of love story I'm looking for minus the whole issue of parallel universes... Alas.

I'm not really sure how to describe their love but it just seems fun! There aren't all these silly worries, besides the whole please don't die thing, and they still have issues, like any time traveling couple would, but they make it work. The best part is that it seems so natural and just meant to be, without question. They were so busy having adventures and being best friends that they didn't even notice they were falling in love.

You really just need to watch it evolve in the series to understand. I want to find the Doctor to my Rose Tyler - and that's as romantic as I get.

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