Tuesday, December 3, 2013

i feel like this whole post sounds like gretchen wiener's report on julius caesar

Okay so Isaac and Rebekah had these twins and they were born one right after the other. The first one was called Esau and the second one was called Jacob (dude was like hanging onto Esau's heel on his way out fun fact). Isaac was all :D for Esau because he went out hunting and killing things and I read somewhere he actually killed this king and his servants and then stole the king's clothes which were also the clothes that Noah and some other dudes wore (brotherhood of the travelling pants). Jacob was Rebekah's fave because he stayed at home and did stuff with her and was super witty. The two brothers were extremely different (no plot twist there) and so there was always this rift between them. Important note: primogeniture is a thing in this time. Esau was supposed to get all the things and Jacob was really not okay with this because Esau didn't even care about having this kind of birthright and he actually mocked it a bit and so Jacob was just really fed up with Esau's BS. Esau came home hungry one day and Jacob just happened to have some soup and Esau was like "Oooh lemme get some!" and Jacob just did this smirk thing and was like "I'll make you all the soup you want as long as you give me the birthrights," to which Esau replied, "Eh, why not?"

Okay so I don't have any birthright and I'm pretty okay with that because just to raise me cost like thousands of dollars and that's completely ridiculous; kids are so expensive omg. But really though, even if there was a birthright, I still wouldn't get it because despite being first born I have a vagina so oops there went that opportunity.

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