Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Humor in TIOBE

The scene that stands out to me the most is one where Lady Bracknell is questioning Jack on his eligibility to marry Gwendolen. I enjoyed this scene the most because of the overly dramatic attitude employed by Lady Bracknell and her verbal humor. When she asks Jack if he smokes, she responds not by scolding him, but by praising his “occupation” in comparison to the other idle lads of the country. She puts the blame on Jack for losing both parents, letting him know “[losing] both seems like carelessness” as if Jack played an active role in losing his parents when he was an infant. Lady Bracknell serves to represent the stupidity of society in this farce, and that humor is just right up my alley.

Although I enjoy all types of humor, one Youtube channel stands out in my mind. MirandaSings08, otherwise known as Colleen Ballinger, is a comedian satirizing the hopes and dreams of mediocre self-promoting singers on Youtube. Through the years, Colleen’s character has morphed more into a highly animated and ludicrous one. She wears poorly applied red lipstick, includes constant spoonerisms in her speech, and sings with an (almost-plausible) off-key voice. She's absolutely bizerk, but that's what makes her enjoyable. 

Oops, I Did it Again - performed by MirandaSings08

1 comment:

  1. I completely appreciate your choices. Really. I love them.

    As for Earnest, I love all of the scenes. Really but I think the one liners are the best. Especially Cecily’s. And Algernon. They will have funny babies. My favorite things that she says are:
    “I do not like novels that end happily. They depress me.” (pg 34)

    (The entire time she is telling Algernon how she proposed to herself for him.
    I was impressed. It would be my favorite, but I hate decisions.)

    My favorite Algernon quote is, “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his.” I find it funny. I also like, “They are a snare that every acceptable man would like to be caught in.” (pg. 39)

    I also appreciate everything Lady Bracknell says. I feel like we could be friends.

    I find this play amusing.

    I find Miranda Sings amusing, too. She is great. I actually discovered Colleen Ballinger (the comedian) before I discovered Miranda. I found clips of her singing for real and to the side there were a bunch of Miranda clips. Then I found an interview she did where she transformed into Miranda and I became obsessed. I still find her singing painful, but it is funny because a lot of my German friends would post videos of themselves singing on YouTube and they made me watch countless covers and I see everything Miranda is satirizing. I mostly love the videos where she is talking. My three favorites are 1) I don’t want wieners. 2) My first time tag 3) Miranda talks to siri.


    I find everything amusing though. But as for other things that I find especially amusing; I am on a Mindy Project kick. I loved New Girl but right now I think The Mindy Project is better. My favorite episodes are when she goes to a frat party and the recent one called you’ve got sext.

    I would say more things but I have a lot of other stuff to do, so I have decided not to. Thank you for talking about Miranda Sings. It made me happy.
