Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacob and Esau

The son of Abraham, Isaac married this girl named Rebekah. It was grand until they wanted to have kids and they could not because she was barren. So they asked God if they could have kids and he said yes so she got pregnant. She felt kinda weird and asked God why and he told her it was because she was having twins. And she did. The first one was named Esau and the second Jacob. Esau was the favorite of his father because he hung out in the fields all day and hunted, but Rebekah liked Jacob because he stayed home and did things in tents. One day after hunting Esau was hungry and Jacob knew he would be so he had some of his soup ready. When Esau asked for some, Jacob asked him to trade his birthright for the soup. Esau was like “Ok”, so he got soup and Jacob got the inheritance.

This story is weird to me.

This Jacob and Esau coloring page is also weird to me.
As for birthright, I think mine is to live in a loving household and have a family that will support one another, etc. I feel weird about this because my mom will read it, just saying. Also I think it is strange that the older sibling used to get everything, not that I mind though because I am more awesome than my sister so I should have everything. Just kidding, she can have all of the things that I don’t want. I get first dibs though because I was there first, it makes sense. So my birthright should be to rule over my sister because I was born first and I am better. Unfortunately, while all those things are true, my birthright is just having a loving family and stupid stuff. Thanks, mom.

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