Tuesday, December 10, 2013

OCD love story

There once was a king with 3 daughters. His youngest and most beautiful was named Psyche. She was so beautiful that Venus got jealous and decided to make cupid have her fall in love with a monster. Instead cupid accidentally made himself fall in love with her. No one wanted to marry Psyche because an oracle had said that she was to marry a monster. Her parents left her on a hilltop and she drifted to another kingdom where she was waited on by invisible servants and married an invisible man. Psyche got homesick and convinced her husband to let her sisters come and visit her. They came and convinced her that she had to kill him because he was a monster and would eat her. So she went with a knife and accidentally woke him. Mad he left and Psyche went to Venus to get him back and she sentenced her to be persecuted. Then Cupid was like no I love her. Then they got married and lived happily ever after, forever. 

I don’t really have a favorite love story or an ultimate love story but I always love to hear the stories of old couples that have been together for over half a century and still love each other as much as the day they met. Actually I changed my mind the best love story is the one between Monk and his wife Trudy. he spends basically all of his time after her death looking for the man that killed her. It’s so sweet to see how much her death affected him and how much he truly cared for her. 

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