Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What is Love?

...baby, dont hurt me, no more (I had to...)

Now on to the myth!

There was once a king and a queen who had three daughters of unspeakable beauty. The most beautiful of the daughters was Psyche whose beauty was thought to outshine even that of Venus'. Instead of praying to Venus, many people prayed and made offerings to her. Venus was not happy with this turn of events and commissioned Cupid to exact revenge for her. However, Cupid fell in love with Psyche. Psyche was the only one of her sisters to yet find love and her father suspected that they had incurred the wrath of the gods. He consulted Apollo the Oracle who told him some unsettling news: the King should expect, not a human grandchild but instead a dragon-like creature. Psyche dresses in funeral attire and is carried by a procession to the top of a peak in which marriage and death are merged together - she then falls asleep. She is then transported to a place with golden columns and although confused, allows herself to be led into a bedroom where a man makes her his wife. Her trust shattered, she then began her wanderings and had several trials and tribulations, the last one being her entering the Underworld. We find out that the man whom she was with in the place with the golden columns was Cupid, but now he is wounded. Finally after her trials, Cupid and Psyche are reunited with immortal love, and are ultimately wed.

So, you ask of me the best love story ever. Well, you have come to the wrong person for that. I am no amore expert, that's for certain. Although I assume you are not asking of my own love life (thank goodness for that) because if that were the case, I would only have awkward stories to tell (that are in no way close to the best love story every). I cold write about fictional love stories, but I always do, and to be honest, aren't most fictional stories overdone anyways? In short, I have no best love story to share with the class, but I do hope that one day I will. Granted, it'll probably only be the 'best' in my eyes, but isn't that all that matters in the long run? So for now, I sadly leave you only with an IOU. Check back with later though, who knows when I'll have a story to tell;)

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