Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacob and Esau

This is the story of Isaacs family. Rebekah was childish, so Isaac prayed for a child. She was then blessed with twins. One who was manly, hairy, and a skillful hunter, his name was Eaus. The other was womanly and was constantly in the kitchen, his name was Jacob. One day Eaus came back from the fields famished and asked Jacob for some food. Jacob would only feed him though if Eaus would sell him his birthright. Eaus does this, and despises his birthright. Which wasn't a very fair trade.

I'm the baby in my family, so basically I will get nothing. That is unless I make myself look like an angel, and make my brother and sister look terrible. The only thing I can think I might inherit is my dads 1965 red GTO, the only way I can do this is if I get in fewer car accidents than my brother, know more facts about cars and engines in general, and basically do whatever my dad tells me to.

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