Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cupid and Psyche

Okay, our story starts with a queen and a king with three beautiful daughters, and one, named Psyche, even more beautiful than the other two. She didn't need milkshakes to bring the boys to the yard, apparently; they all thought she was so worthy that they worshipped her to a point that angered Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Out of jealousy, Venus tried to get her son, Cupid, to make Psyche fall in love with someone hideous and undeserving, but Cupid pricked himself upon seeing Psyche, and he fell instantly in love with her.
Time passed, and Psyche's sisters were married off, but she remained woefully single. Her parents decided to ask the oracle if they'd managed to offend any gods or anything like that; they were told that Psyche would marry something hideous and awful. Like any good parents, they then left her on the top of a mountain for this fate, and she was swept away by the Zephyr to Cupid's fancy schmancy house to live with him.
Long story short, the jealous sisters kind of blew it for Psyche and Cupid. She had to fulfill a myriad of challenges for Venus, and finally she ended up with Cupid. Yay for happy endings!

Ever since second semester of last year, I've developed a tendency to ride on waves of being either an utterly hopeless romantic or terribly cynical about romance; it kind of depends on when you catch me. One romance I always love, though, comes from--you guessed it--Doctor Who. They're Amy and Rory, and they're not cookie cutter romance, and they're flawed, and they're my absolute favorites. I think that's what I like most about them--they have the ability to be so cute, but it's great because they never try to be anything they aren't. Amy is fierce and stubborn and she doesn't tolerate any nonsense from Rory; Rory is completely dedicated and literally waits for her for two thousand years (which, I know, sounds cheesy, but that gives you an idea of how faithful a person he is).

I can't find a gif or picture of this, but when Rory first meets the Doctor, the conversation goes something like this:
Amy: Oh, this is Rory; he's a...friend.
Rory: Boyfriend.
Amy: Kind of... boyfriend.
Rory: Amy!!

And then you have stuff like this:

(Pardon the typo)
But seriously look how disgusted she is! It warms my heart! It's just so beautiful because she's so not overly into it but then they end up married (albeit with some problems they have to work out) until they're old and wrinkly and trust me I usually don't buy into being married until you've turned into prunes BUT I REALLY JUST LIKE THEM A LOT.

Amy Pond, everyone!

This is Rory Williams in one gif.

OKAY I'M DONE! My sincerest apologies for this monster of a post.

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