Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Psyche and cupid

Psyche was the finest lady in the entire world. Then Aphrodite came along and was extremely pissed off that she was no longer the one woman to rule them all. So Venus tells her son Cupid to make psyche fall in love with a hideous man. But when Cupid is on this mission, he falls deeply in love with psyche. Cupid then leaves for awhile. Then an oracle came to psyche's parents and told them that her daughter was destined to end up with a monster. So the parents chained psyche to a mountain so that she couldn't marry a monster. But she is blown off the mountain by some wind and lands in a meadow. She goes into this random house and she bones some guy who showered her with riches, which is borderline prostitution. It ends up being Cupid and they live happily evrer after.

Charlotte foley is my psyche. I am in love with this woman. However, she despises me. I make it my goal to tell her how much I adore her every single day. I even write her love poems with help from gates Corman and Andrew mason. Even when I serenade her she doesn't reciprocate the feelings. I'm gonna hire someone to make charlotte fall in love with me. This might seem really creepy if I have to read this out loud but my love for Charlotte will never die.

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