Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacob and Esau

Isaac, the son of Abraham, had two sons, Jacob and Esau. Esau was the eldest son, meaning he got all of the birthrights (A special privilege accorded a firstborn) from his father. Well, he was supposed to anyways. Jacob, the tricky little brother wanted these birthrights. One day, Jacob made a meal that smelled so amazing and Esau, who was famished, was drawn to the smell. Jacob said Esau could have some food but only if he gave him the rights of first born. Poor famished Esau agreed. So Jacob got the birthrights and Esau got some food, honestly I'd probably choose food too.

Well, I wasn't the first born so technically I don't know if I have any birthrights. I never get to choose what we have for dinner. I never get to ride in the front seat. I always have to clean the bathroom. But hey, I get first pick of a stocking to hang on the fireplace, birthright? But really, I think being brought into this world is a special privilege. I think having a loving family, amazing friends, a roof over my head, a cat with whom I have a love hate relationship with, and food on my plate are all such blessings and special privileges that I would consider birthrights. So lucky and happy to be here.
Just because cartoon versions of people are better

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