Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Most of the humor in the Importance of Being Earnest is aimed at the upper class for being rude and stuck up in a way. Such as when "Algy" criticizes the entire lower class for lacking proper morals. But my favorite part probably is when Lady Bracknell calls Earnest's "friend" Jack rude because he is always sick and she proposes that he should go ahead and choose whether he wants to live or die and save everyone the trouble of worrying about him. Also, Lane is one of my favorite characters because he is the most sarcastic character in the whole play and I love it.

Most of my tastes in comedy depends heavily on what mood I'm in. Sometimes when I am really happy or tired I enjoy ridiculous slapstick comedy that doesn't require much thinking at all because not thinking is something that I have proven to be very good at. But other times, when I am feeling capable of thought, I like comedy that is really witty and you have to think about before you get it because it just makes the whole experience sweeter and last longer when there is a small amount of contemplation involved. One of my favorite shows is called Archer and I like it because it does a good job of combining both types of humor and I dont think I have ever watched a full episode with out laughing out loud at least twice. The show itself is sometimes wildly inappropriate so if you get offended by that stuff dont watch it but if you arent a baby then I highly recommend it. Archer season 5 preview

1 comment:

  1. First off I would like to say that archer is a grand show, and if you are only laughing twice a show then you are clearly not understanding all the witty jokes placed throughout the show, so maybe you should pay closer attention, but back to the importance of being earnest. At first I wasn't a fan of this play, in fact I didn't think it was comedy at all until I started working on the worksheet, I just figured that all the characters were extremely stupid and arrogant. After going back through and reading the story from a different perspective, I found the best part to be with Cecily when she was talking about her engagement to "earnest". Her logic behind it was that a man who is talked about a lot must be handsome, so she proposed to herself for "earnest", neither of whom had met each other before. I was rotfl for a solid 13 seconds. I guess now we know who has a better sense of humor Mr. Corman...and I I think we all know it's me.
