Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thanks a lot EVE!

In the beginning God started creating stuff. He created all kinds of things: Heaven, Earth, light, water, animals, stars, and finally man and woman. He gave them free reign in the Garden of Eden and only asked that they not eat from a single tree. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. One day the serpent came forth and began to deceive Eve. He tricked her into partaking of the fruit. Many people take this as reason to blame Eve for the fall of man, but in actuality Adam was fully aware of what was happening. and stood by idly waiting to see if Eve would die. Seeing as she didn't instantly die, Adam naively ate of the fruit which was a slow acting poison known as life. After their sin God came looking for them, but they hid and covered their nakedness. God in discovering their sinning and concealing banished them from the garden and forced Adam to work in the field and Eve to experience pain in childbirth.

My origins don't seem all that special in the grand scheme of things, but they are at least unique to me. I was born a much anticipated male into a family with two daughters. I was instantly Daddy's little boy. My home was loving, conservative and Christian. We spent time as a family, owned guns, and kept in our home more Bibles than we could possibly read. I was raised to possess each of those values as well. I still value, enjoy, and look forward to a loving family. I have transitioned from a hard core Republican to a right leaning moderate. I still hold to my faith, but it is a faith that differs precisely from the form of religion I was raised in. Origins are important, but they don't necessarily predict where we will go or who we will become.

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