Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Humor in Earnest

I think that we can all agree that Algernon is pretty freaking hilarious. His every interaction with the other characters makes me laugh every time. One of my favorites is when Jack tries to eat a cucumber sandwich and gets his hand slapped away by Algernon, who says there aren't enough as he's eating one of the sandwiches. The whole exchange with about the little aunt afterwards is also ridiculous.

I think that I have a pretty broad sense of humor, so if you find something funny chances are I will too. That also means that if you find something tasteless or offensive, I probably still find it funny. I don't watch a lot of TV, but some of my favorite shows of mine include South Park and Archer. Unsurprisingly, there is not a single clean clip of funny moments from these shows, but I encourage you to look them up yourself. The best clean comedian I know of is Brian Regan, who manages to be funny without saying a single cuss word.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought that Algernon was the funniest character in the Importance of Being Ernest. His witty banter was my favorite part about the book. No matter what was said to him his reply almost always made me laugh. Although I do not usually find books that funny, this one amused me greatly.

    As for the genre as a whole, I love comedy. And while I do enjoy a good drama, almost all of my favorite shows and movies are comedies. I have often been told that I am easily amused so, i guess, like Leo, I also have a broad sense of humor.
