Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Being Earnest

From what I have read of The Importance of Being Earnest, humor remains continuous and steady in every scene of the play. Even at the very beginning, you can find me chuckling at the witty remarks and playful banter Oscar Wilde employs in his characters. I especially love the word play on page 7 and 8 with "some aunts are tall, some aunts are not tall" and "you look as if your name is Earnest. You are the most earnest-looking person I ever saw in my life". Algernon's amusing personality also adds a nice touch in the over-all satire, he is my favorite character so far. I can't wait to read more.

In regards to modern humor, I admit I am a little in the dark with this genre. I usually prefer dramas and mysteries to comedy, mostly because the comedy is over my head. Despite my lack of interest, I am not completely ignorant. I have hopped on the South Park train and fell victim to the Modern Family television series. I haven't kept up with South Park, so I can't elaborate much on the subject except for that every episode I have seen makes me laugh out loud--every. single. time. Modern Family, however, is one of my favorite shows. The irony, parody, and sarcasm make the show irresistible. The show is relatable in many different ways, but I think it is the father figure, Phil Dunphy, or the too-mature-for-his-own-good kid, Manny, that are the icing on the cake. Manny's witty remarks just keep the show rolling, and Phil could not be more like my own dad making me feel like I have undergone the silly situations myself. I could go on and on about my love for Modern Family, but I will spare you.


1 comment:

  1. OMG CARTS GET A SENSE OF HUMOR!!! Jk ily. But I agree, I find The Importance of Being Earnest very comical and enjoyable right from the start. I am finished with the play now and could not stop laughing the whole time. The witty and sarcasm remarks every character makes made me crack up endlessly. My favorite part my just be when Algernon freaks out about the cucumbers, just because its so dramatic and random and right up my alley of humor. "I am greatly distressed, Aunt Augusta, about there being no cucumbers, not even for ready money." (14) I also agree with Carter in that Algernon is my favorite character, so funny.

    Unlike Carter, I enjoy comedies more than dramas and mysteries. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy dramas and mysteries and am always down for a little Nancy Drew, I just tend to gravitate towards comedies more. Stepbrothers and Anchorman are two of my all time favorite movies, I can probably quote both of the movies by heart. Like the play, I really enjoy witty and sarcastic humor. This is probably because I consider myself to be a very sarcastic person. If someone can meet my level of sarcasm and also make me laugh, you're definitely one of my top 10 favorite people.
