Friday, December 6, 2013

Importance of Being Earnest

I find myself responding more to the criticisms of high society and the love affairs. When Lady Bracknell is questioning Jack in response to him wanting to become engaged to Gwendolen, she asks if he smokes as his occupation and he says yes. I thought it was funny because Jack has so much time on his hands as he doesn't work and then fills his time with smoking, therefore, it is his occupation. Another is when Algernon uses Bunbury as an excuse for missing Lady Bracknell's dinner. Gwendolen, originally, only falls for Jack because his name is Ernest, which happens to be the same reason why Cecily falls for Algernon when he poses as Ernest. The fact that theses two girls only care the guys name is ridiculous. 

I actually make myself laugh probably way too much because I just enjoy being stupid. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't make a fool of herself at the studio. I do enjoy Modern Family, but I don't find myself laughing at it the way I do with Kevin Hart. My brother introduced me to him and it was great. He uses lots of real life examples, primarily dirty ones, but his reactions to the situations are what get me. If you youtube him, his older material is just as comical as his newer material. 

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