Friday, December 6, 2013


Pretty much everything about The Importance of Being Earnest is funny and makes it a comedy. One of my favorite parts is the very start of the book when Algernon and Lane are speaking. Their banter is satirical, and sarcastic and very funny. For instance "Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?" "I didn't think it polite to listen, sir." Those are the first two lines of the play and they are hilarious. Their dialogue until Lane exits is just like that too. The whole play is very back and forth with witty comments.

I think a lot of things are funny. I laugh at almost everything. I have a lot of different friends with many senses of humors and can last at almost everything they say. A lot of my friends say I'm funny as well and I am really funny at social media because I am better at thinking of fnny things than coming up wirh them on the spot.

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