Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cupid and Psyche

Alright, so some king had 3 beautiful daughters, but the "fairest of them all", as they say, was Psyche. But, as per ushe with the ladies, jealousy struck. Psyche's sister, Venus, was mad that her sister was getting all the attention, so she sent her sone Cupid to shoot an arrow into an ugly monster so it would fall in love with Psyche.

However, Cupid "accidentally" shoots himself so that he falls in love with Psyche. While this happens, Psyche is sent away because it is prophesied that she will marry a monster.  There, she is waited on by invisible servants (but in a way aren't most servants invisible?) and marries a man whose face she doesn't ever see.

Her sisters then come to visit, where they experience some severe group polarization and convince Psyche to kill her husband, the "monster". But when she walks into Cupid's room with a knife, she startles him and he flees back to his mother Venus.

In another twist, Venus, who convinced Psyche to kill Cupid, makes her sister go through many trials as punishment. Eventually, though, Cupid begs Venus to stop, Psyche is made a goddess, and she and Cupid live happily ever after.

I think the greatest love story of all has to be Shrek. I mean, the guys an Ogre, and he finds another who loves him back. It's just so heartwarmingly gross that I can't handle it. It's wonderful.

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