Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm So Sorry I Really Am (I'm a Big Goober)

So there was this girl named Psyche. And she was really attractive. Uncomfortably so, because everyone nearly worshiped her, she was so beautiful. This, of course, did not sit well with Venus, who hardly wanted to be the second most attractive woman on or above the planet. So she sent her son Cupid to screw her over, by making it so that she would never be truly loved and that no man would ever want to marry her - he succeeded in that, at least, but accidentally pricked himself with one of his arrows while he was in her presence. And the dude fell for her hard, as you can imagine. After wondering why she was cursed to never be loved, her parents were told by the oracle that she was never to be loved by a mortal man, but rather by a hideous immortal. Mourning the loss of their daughter, they took her to the mountain to meet her fate, where she was taken in by this immortal, who refused to meet her when she could see him, and though the two enjoyed each other's company and there did seem to be some love between the two, he refused to let her see him in the light of day.

Eventually Psyche managed to convince him to let her sisters visit her, and when they did they sowed the seeds of doubt in Psyche's mind that her husband might be some horrible serpent who simply wanted to feed off of her, etc... So, listening to her sisters because that was her nature, she waited until he was asleep then used a lamp to see what he looked like. And surprise, surprise, he was totally attractive and also Cupid which no one saw coming of course. When Cupid found out about Psyche's betrayal he fled and left her alone and she was really fricken sad and eventually the gods took pity on her and told her to go try to get Venus to like her so as to gain Cupid's favor again. And so she did, and Venus made her do horribly difficult tasks which she got help from others with, and Venus could tell that. Eventually Psyche was made to go on a trip to the underworld to get a box for Venus, and told not to look into it or else.  Psyche did what she was told to do, up until that whole "don't open the box you dumb child" part which she totally disregarded and looked into the box. She was then overtaken by a horrible sleep and would have stayed like that until she died unless Cupid hadn't taken pity on her and well, let's just say there was a happy ending. Psyche became immortal and then they had a daughter named Pleasure.

Okay, so now that the summary is finished I'm gonna talk about true love, so y'all better hold onto your butts because this is gonna be fun. See, there are tons of ships I could choose from, with more or less support for them (my most recent ship has been Newt/Hermann from Pacific Rim, don't judge me) but I gotta say that the best love story ever has gotta be Spock and Kirk.


The naysayers are probably sitting and shaking their heads now, saying "nope you got that wrong Sarah, that is totally friendship and you are making it into something different than it actually is" and lemme tell you something now. I totally am not. There is so much that makes theirs a wonderful love story that I don't even know where to start.

So their relationship is obviously really close. Really, really close. They would do anything for the other. In episodes when Spock spends the entire episode talking about how they need to protect this creature because it is endangered and there are no other instances of it appearing anywhere else in the universe, the moment that it starts to threaten Kirk, the very moment, he starts yelling at Kirk to kill it - he probably would have done it himself if not for the fact that he wasn't there with Kirk and was instead desperately trying to find him in the caves they were in.

(Spock got really happy to know Kirk was alive, even if Vulcans don't have emotions whoooooops) x

That's not to mention the times that they risk their lives for the other, or y'know, outright die for the other. Which happens in multiple episodes and in the movies, and makes it incredibly apparent that they care about each other more than any other person in the world.

Also, did anyone know that Vulcans kiss with their hands? That's an interesting tidbit to remember, really. Because for Vulcans, holding hands is pretty much a make out session. No joke. So one wonders what the scene in The Motion Picture means for their relationship:


Uh, yeah. Not to mention them kissing through the glass in The Wrath of Khan and Into Darkness. (It's also super apparent that they mean a lot to each other in this same scene, just sayin)


And last of all (though you better bet I can't even explain it all here oh my gosh) is the fact that they are t'hyla, which is a Vulcan term which means "brother/friend/lover." The fact that it means all of those things is a point of contention, but Vulcan in a constructed language, so why in the world would "lover" be included in the definition if not for a reason?

Their relationship is beautiful and I'm sorry to put you guys through this but I had to because talking about shipping for a school assignment is like a dream come true.


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