Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Okay so there was this girl Psyche and she was like the prettiest mortal maiden there was. People thought she was so pretty, they started worshiping her instead of Venus, who was like the original goddess of love. Venus saw this and she was like, "All hell naw." So she sent Cupid after her. Cupid was supposed to mess with her but he fell in love with her instead (imagine that). They had a sort-of wedding, and then Cupid "made her his wife" and "eventually she came to enjoy his visit" but she never actually saw his face (if this doesn't sound like American Horror Story, I don't know what does)... So then her sisters were like, "Dude you don't even know what he looks like. He's supposed to be like a nasty ass dragon, ya know." And so Psyche freaked out and she had to see him. She snuck up on him in his sleep and realized he was a "hottie mchotterson. totesmagotes." However, she injures him and somehow they both end up at Venus' house, where she treats her son, and makes Psyche do all these trials. She passes all of them, but tries to kill herself all the time. Finally, Cupid was like ft, and he went and got Jupiter's permission to make Psyche a goddess. So then they were married and happy and yeah.

Okay I'm a teenage white girl and I freakin' love The Notebook. I just do. I cried so much. The book was beautiful and then when I watched the movie it was like constant sobbing for a half hour straight. Can't even explain. It wasn't even the whole part with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams (which was pretty great, and RG is the epitome of eye candy), it was the the way Allie and Noah were afterwards, after they'd grown old and were in a nursing home. The way he loved her was just beautiful and my heart melted. *sob*

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