Tuesday, December 10, 2013

jacob and esau

Genesis 25 is about Isaac, son of Abraham, his wife Rebekah and their twin sons, Esau and Jacob. The Lord told Rebekah that one son would be stronger, and that the younger was to serve the older. As the boys grew older, Esau became stronger and stronger, he was a skillful hunter and his father's favorite. Jacob on the other hand, was more of a momma's boy and stayed home to cook and clean. Because Esau was the oldest, it was his birthright to inherit his father's estate; Jacob despised Esau and as they grew older, Jacob grew more and more jealous. One night, after a long day of hunting, Esau came home starving and asked Jacob for some soup. Jacob saw this as an opportunity for he knew that if Esau did not eat than he would die, he told Esau that he would give him some soup if he promised his birthright to him. Esau, on the verge of starvation, handed over his birthright and ate his soup.

Even though I am the oldest, I don't really think I have the birthright to anything more than getting first pick for everything and never having to wear hand-me-downs. I guess it would be cool to know I would inherit some family heirloom or something cool from my parents but as far as I know, no such thing exists. I think for the most part, the treatment of my sister and I is pretty even and as should be our inheritance; it wouldn't be fair if I got everything just because I am the oldest. I get told I'm spoiled a lot, but I'm not complaining.

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