Tuesday, December 10, 2013

cupid and psyche

Well, first of all, in Cupid and Psyche, a king and queen have three daughters. One of these daughters, though, is exceptionally beautiful. This daughter is named Psyche. Everyone wants to see Psyche, as her beauty is heard of far and wide. As seems to be a motif in many of these greek myths, the men lose their crap and go insane over this girl. They stop worshipping Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and begin worshipping Psyche as if she were a goddess. Aphrodite, enraged with jealousy, tells her son Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest man around. He sets on a mission to do that, but instead--the instant he sees Psyche--falls in love with her... and pricks himself with his own arrow.................... (not a very trustworthy son). So Cupid falls in love with Psyche, but then leaves. Psyche's sisters get married, and Psyche is left high and dry. Psyche's parents are concerned, so they take her to an oracle. This oracle says she will fall in love with a monster that neither mortals nor gods can resist. They are instructed to leave Psyche on a mountain so the monster may reach her. She is on the mountain and then is carried to a beautiful field by Zephyr, and then goes to a castle. Her husband is here, but she is not allowed to see him and he only comes out at night. She finally lets his sisters come and visit her, and once they do, they are immediately jealous. They begin to question her and finally get it out of her that she's never seen him. The sisters convince her to stand over her at night with a lamp and a knife when he is asleep as to see what he looks like, so she does. The husband awakes and is furious at what he is awoken to, and storms out. The husband is actually Cupid, and when he storms out, everything around her disappears. All the beauty, everything. So her sisters decide to leave, and try to jump and have Zephyr take them back, but Zephyr does not appear and the sisters fall to their death. She goes to Ceres and Ceres takes her to Cupid, but Cupid is still very mad. So he makes her do a seemingly impossible task of organizing all different types of grain and to do it by the evening, but ants help her and Cupid knows this so he says it doesn't count. So he makes her collect golden fleece from every sheep that hangs by the river, another seemingly impossible task, but when she does Cupid is still not satisfied, saying she couldn't have done it on her own. So he orders to go to the underworld, and see Prosperine and collect some of his beauty and bring it back in a box. She thinks she must kill herself to get to the underworld, but that is not the case, as Cupid says there is a way to get there on Pluto. Psyche is ordered not to open the box with Prosperine's beauty in it, but she does anyway, of course. obviously there is no beauty in the box, and she actually is plunged into a deep sleep when she opens it. He decides he wants to be with her again and takes her to Zeus who gives her immortality and then they live happily ever after.

Ok that was really long, whew.

My favorite love story is the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I love it because it is so sad, and sometimes when I am down in the dumps and I want to cleanse all the sad out of me I watch it, because after I watch it I really can't get any sadder, which means the only place to go is up--to happiness. It is so sad because it is about a couple who loves each other, but they fight so much, but they really do love each other, but eventually the girl cannot take it anymore and gets the boy erased from his memory. he is notified of this, and is instructed not to talk to her. He is heart wrenched, and decides to erase her as well. But while erasing her he decides he doesn't want to because he remembers all the good memories with her. So he tries not to erase her while she's being erased and it's just this big mess, and i'm not going to say the ending because i don't want to ruin it but i love it so you should watch it !

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