Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Q-pid and Psyche

A king and queen had three daughters, and the prettiest of them all was Psyche. People stopped worshiping Venus (one of the three daughters), and instead gawked over Psyche's beauty. Venus got upset and recruited her son, cupid, to use his arrows to make Psyche marry someone ugly. When Cupid flew over to Psyche however, he thought she was so pretty and then he shot himself. After a while Psyche was still single, and eventually an oracle predicted to Psyche and her parents that she would marry an ugly man. Psyche was sent away to a mountain and lived in solitude, waited on by servants that were invisible. And married to a man she was forbidden to look at. Her sisters visit her and convince her to kill her husband. Reluctantly, she agrees. It turns out that she was married to cupid, and cupid gets angry and storms out. Psyche asks Venus (Remember, she is Cupid's mother and Psyche's sister) to help her out. Venus makes Psyche go through various quests of punishment, and eventually love prevails. Cupid and Psyche marry. The best love story ever is love story by Taylor Swift. The lyrics are so pure and simple. It speaks true love and happiness. Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I love you and that's all I really now. I talked to your daddy, it's a love story, baby just say yes. Another good love story is the one of my parents. I don't know what their story is, and I don't want them to tell me. But I know that they have a real one that they have shared together, and I guess I hope I have one someday too.

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