Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Boys, Bows, and a Wedding Dress

Isaac and Rebekah were married and had twins. The eldest was Esau, a great hunter. The younger was Jacob, who enjoyed staying home. Rebekah loved Jacob more but their father appreciated good fresh meat so he loved Esau more. Pretty bitter household. Did I mention the brothers didn't like each other? Jacob being the conniving one decided to trick Esau into selling his birthright. He tried to bribe him with awesome smelling soup. Esau was pretty much starving so he was like what the hell, sure as long as I get that soup. So he swore to give Jacob his birthright.


First off let me say Esau was stupid.  That was just an obviously bad deal. No soup is good enough to be worth your father's whole freaking estate. But whatevs, Esau just wasn't real bright. When thinking about my birthright there are lots of different ideas. As an American, my birthrights are freedom and privacy. As a girl, my birthright probably involved bows, boys, and a wedding dress (but lots of those are yet to be determined...). In my family, I'm the eldest, therefore my birthright is..... Nothing. I guess I got to do things before my sister like drive, stay up late, and go to college. But my parents aren't exactly doling out inheritance based on who popped out first. Alas, it's a tragedy, I know.

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