Tuesday, December 3, 2013

jacob and esau

So basically Isaac and Rebekah have twin boys, Esau and Jacob. The Lord told her that  the younger one would be stronger than the older one and the older one would serve the younger one. So then Esau becomes a man of nature and Jacob becomes a stay at home kinda guy. One day when Esau comes home starving he asks for some food and Jacob says “if you sell me your birthright.” Esau says ok and thats the end. 

I can’t really think of anything that would still be considered a birthright. I’m the youngest in my family so I get everything last but I don’t really think that there are any birthrights that were given to my older siblings that I didn’t get either.  I mean I guess growing up in America we are all given the birthright to an education and a voice in our society but other than that I can’t really think of anything. 

5957 × 4828 - en.wikipedia.org

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