Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacob and Esau

Isaac is married to Rebekah and he asks the Lord for her to become pregnant. His wish is granted and Rebekah gives birth to twins named Esau and Jacob. Esau, named because he is covered in red hair, is a hunter and brings his dad meat, so Isaac likes him the most. Jacob, named because he held on to Esau's foot as they left the womb, stays home and helps his mother so she likes him more. One day Esau was hungry and asked Jacob for some food. Jacob agreed to give Esau food if he gave him his birthright in exchange for it. Esau agreed and ate his food, but hated his birthright from that point forward.

This is a drawing of Esau and Jacob. 

I think growing up in a first world country like the United States, one's birthright should be that their parents should supply them with food and shelter until they are at least 18 years old. Additionally, I would like to think my parents will pay for four years of my college education wherever I decide to go. It is a parents duty to supply for their children until they are old enough to supply for themselves. I know this is not possible in all parts of the world, but here this should be true unless they are given up for adoption/live in a foster home. The college education part of my birthright is like an investment. I am unable to pay for college on my own because I am seventeen years old, so my parents are going to pay for me to go. My degree will allow me to get a higher paying and perhaps more enjoyable job than I would be able to have without a degree, so it will be a worthwhile investment.

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