Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mighty Joe Con by J & J (James and Jared)

Joseph Conrad grew to fame for his nautical novels. His work emerged in the age of romanticism, realism and modernism, all of which had a great amount of influence on his writing. While many of his novels are works of romanticism he is known  as a modernist and a social realist. He was a great story teller. "Chance" (1914) was a turning point for Conrad. It brought him into popular success. He mad great strides in the movement of social realism and is viewed by many as one of its leaders. His works continue to have influence as many of them were adapted into screen plays and stories like Heart of Darkness which was adapted into "Apocalypse Now!". These adaptions continue the influence of Conrad well beyond simply his novels or the era in which they were written.

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