Thursday, December 5, 2013

Importance of Being Earnest

Though I'm usually hesitant while reading assignments for school, I instantly knew I would enjoy this one. Dry humor that may not be funny to anyone else is always funny to me. I laughed within 10 seconds of beginning to read. With Algernon beginning with playing the piano, and Lane replying "I didn't think it polite to listen, sir," I knew it would be fun to read. It continued with Algernon replying, "I'm sorry for that, for your sake." The humor and banter between these characters is crude, dry, and satirical, and that gets me deep down in my funny bone.
A modern thing that gets me in the same way is The Office. The humor is so dry and delivered so seriously, I can't help but laugh until I cry. Inappropriate humor gets me like nothing else, but I will spare you that today.


  1. I agree that those points in the book are funny but I think that overall the funniest is when Gwendolyn says that the only name that is "truly safe" is Ernest. The irony when he says his name is Ernest accidentally in Earnest is also delicious. As for things that are similar and that resonate in the same way I would say Monty Python's Flying Circus is probably a pretty good example.

  2. Dry and inappropriate humor are the best kinds.
    This line, namely: "the only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to some one else, if she is plain."
    I know how often it's quoted, but it's fantastic.
    Second favorite quote: “never speak disrespectfully of Society, Algernon. Only people who can’t get into it do that.”
    And the whole exchange on muffins just kills me.
    Frasier is the best sitcom ever made and incidentally bears a lot of resemblance to 'Earnest'. The interplay between Niles and Frasier is comparable to that between Algernon and Jack, and both are hilarious. Will and Grace is second, regardless of what anyone says about it.

  3. I personally thought that one of the funniest moments in the book was when Cecily and Algernon were talking about their engagement and then Cecily tells him that they have, in fact, been engaged for three months. She even wrote letters to herself on his behalf and broke off the engagement at one point and did other ridiculous things. The whole thing was just hilariously absurd. And yes Laura, i completely agree that The Office (used to be) a hilarious show. For some reason the scene that always got me was when Dwight went racing out of the office to rescue Michael after he had grilled his foot and then crashes his car into a pole and then proceeds to stumble out and throw up all over his rear window. Gets me every time.
    I mean we pretty much agree on what makes us laugh like Whose Line Is It Anyway and that clip of David Tennant dancing as an old person. And Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf.
