Tuesday, December 3, 2013

You seriously traded your birthright for a bowl of soup?

Isaac, the son of Abraham was married to Rebekah, who had not had any children, so God granted her two of them. While she was pregnant, those rascals were causing quite a ruckus. This prompted Rebekah to inquire God about why this was happening. His response was that she had "two countries within her" and that one would be stronger than the other and the older one would serve the younger one. When the twins were born, the first born was named Esau and the younger was named Jacob, who had been grasping his brother's heel. As they grew up, Esau spent his time outside being a hunter, while Jacob liked to stay inside with his mother.
One day, Esau came in from hunting, famished, to ask Jacob for some of the stew he had been making. Jacob would only give him some if he first sold him his birthright. Esau, being terribly hungry I suppose, agreed quickly, thus exchanging his birthright as firstborn for a bowl of stew.
Esau sells his birthright
Zacarias Gonzalez Velazquez
The idea of a birthright in general seems a bit absurd to me, that anyone should think they deserve something just for being born. I really don't think that I have any birthright. There are very few cases where this would be true for anyone I should think. I mean sure, if you're Will or Harry, you're born into the royal family and there ya go, you're in line for the British crown. But, ya know, most people aren't quite so lucky. We have to work for what we want in life and not just expect it to fall into our laps because we think it is what we deserve. 

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