Thursday, December 5, 2013

hopefully I won't leave my baby in a purse

So sorry for not posting earlier, I had some serious Internet problems in my house yesterday (what's a 21st century girl to do with no wi-fi?? die?!), but here's my dose of comedy in Act 3 of Earnest.

I thought that the funniest scene was when Miss Prism spoke about leaving her baby in her handbag on the train. It's so ridiculous but so funny because she's completely casual about it. I just keep thinking about how she says that she "deposited the manuscript in the bassinette, and placed the baby in the hand-bag" and imagining a manuscript just lying where a baby should be. She's satirizing the whole concept of the importance of this baby without a care in the world.

I honestly love comedy so much. My brother and I get hooked on listening to stand-up comedians on Pandora (it's the best) and have a shared love of Jim Gaffigan, among other comedians. But Jim Gaffigan's pretty cool because almost everything of his is pretty clean, yet still hilarious. This is his best and most famous piece, in my opinion. And Hot Pockets are pretty gross, so there's that.

Alright, SNL is my fave. This is me and my mom's favorite skit. of our favorites.

Um, to be honest, I don't know what the rest of this prompt was, but I hope this post was at least entertaining.


  1. For starters, I thought those videos hilarious! Something about Jim repeating "hot pocket" in a high pitched voice just gets me. But besides that lovely slice of comedy, I also loved Earnest.

    Especially Lane if I may say so myself.

    Lane is truly the greatest, wittiest one. Like totally Downtown Abbey. Everything rolls off his shoulders and I can just picture him taking everything is stride with "Yes sir" and "There were no cucumbers, not even for ready money". Oh it was lovely. AND to make it better he knew that Algy was just being selfish and uppity. Much love for Lane.

    Meredith made an awesome point about the whole Miss Prism deal. The image of the manuscript cradled in the baby basket and the baby thrown to the side in a handbag is just priceless. The humor of the situation is endless.

    On to things that I think are funny, well it's basically everything. In anatomy yesterday I laughed for five minutes straight while playing telephone because for some reason the phrase "eating pretzels makes me thirsty" struck me as funny. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin is probably one of my favorite SNL skits. But I cannot forget to mention the hilarity of the YouTube series How It Should Have Ended. Those really get me for some reason. It's probably the voices. Also, the Twilight Bad Lip Reading is pretty solid. Below are some links in case you wanna check them out!

    But I must say, Meredith's hot pocket video was right on point!

    HISHE Tangled -
    Bad Lip Reading -

  2. I definitely have to agree with Meredith and Lauren on pretty much all facets of this. For one thing, we all seem to get a kick out of the same humor in Earnest, whether when Lane says his standard "yes, sir," with enough dry humor to steal the show or when Miss Prism is just like "hahaha whoops! Not only did I lose my baby but also my purse with my initials on it and everything! talk about a bad day!"

    Also, I know Mere and I have discussed a shared love for Jim Gaffigan and I'm so excited he's now made his debut on our class blog! His humor is really great because he looks at everything that's completely ordinary and basically talks about whether he likes it or not and it's instantly funny. For instance, he loves bacon and hates anything requiring movement. Part of the reason this is so funny to me is that he basically says what everyone else is thinking but what no one thinks to say. Good stuff.

    I'd like to hereby contribute something that seems completely irrelevant but that is one of my favorite YouTube videos. If you haven't seen this yet then I'm very very sorry but I'm also very very happy to introduce you to it.
