Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Now you see me, now you don't

It seems to me that the gods are pretty pathetic creatures. They're wracked with jealousy and all kinds of other unappetizing character traits. Our story begins with Psyche a princess so astoundingly beautiful that people began to worship her in place of the Venus the goddess of love and beauty. Venus became quite jealous. To spite Psyche for falling razor sales, Venus talks her son Cupid into forcing Psyche to fall in love with a horrible monster. Unfortunately Cupid himself falls  for her beauty. He pricks himself and falls in love with her. He whisks her away to a castle stocked with invisible servants. Cupid and Psyche are married, but she is never allowed to look upon him. After being tricked by her sister Psyche sneaks into Cupid's room and looks upon him. He is infuriated. The castle melts away along with its servants. 'Psyche in an attempt to regain her husband completes a series of challenges for Venus to win her approval, but it isn't until Cupid convinces Jupiter to intercede. Then Psyche and Cupid live happily ever after.

The most amazing love story I've ever seen is not one from movies, tv shows, books, or any other fabricated source. The sweetest and most adorable couple I've ever been around in my life is my grandparents. They've been together for over 60 years. They still hold hands. They still do everything together. They spend every night tucked into bed side by side. It's an inspirational thing to see and every time I'm around them. I can't help but wish that one day I could have that. It's a beautiful love story. I have never seen two people more genuinely in love. I've always believed that life is more meaningful when you share it with someone and I hope that one day I can find that person. So I can be that 88 year-old man holding the hand of his bride of over half a century.

  Psyche Revived by the Kiss of Amor (Love). Antonio Canova (Italian, 1757–1822) Marble, 1793.


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