Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Oh, Revenge is....Stupid...?

Jason was supposed to be a king. Unfortunately this guy Pelias decided to overthrow the King, Jason's father, and imprison him. Jason was secretly sent off to live with Chiron in order to save his life. When he got older, Jason came back to challenge Pelias. But Pelias tricked Jason into agreeing to go after the Golden Fleece. So Jason sets off with all his Argonauts on his ship the Argo, trials and tribulations insue. Finally the arrive at the end of the earth where the Fleece is guarded. Here the king's daughter Medea decided to help Jason. She drugged the dragon that guarded it and they all scurried off with the Fleece. On the way back they decided to see all the wonders of the world. But Jason's an idiot and left his super powerful sorceress girlfriend when they got back. So she killed all their kids in revenge, kinda tragic.


Love and revenge is some steamy stuff. Pretty intense too. I enjoy a good revenge story but I can't say I'm too much of a romantic - to many emotions for me. Revenge is always amusing and fun to plan. Now murdering your own kids to spite yo boy just sounds stupid... Like you're a powerful sorceress, to begin with you don't need any boy in your life you strong independent woman, AND killin yo kids is like wasting all that time and effort you went into bring them into this world. Like I said, supid revenge plot. Ya shoulda just cursed, maimed, or killed him!

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