Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Will Freeman and Caroline Hoertz- Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy was born in 1840. He was an English novelist and poet, both his novels and poems were majorly influenced by Romanticism. Hardy loved poetry and after receiving horrible feedback from his novel Jube The Obscure he decided to mainly focus on poetry. Leaving his novel writing behind, Thomas Hardy wrote eight collections of poems in his lifetime. He rejected the traditional belief of a single God and expresses a fatalist opinion in many of his works. Hardy had a cynical view on the human condition; bad things were going to happen and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. What he lacked in traditional beliefs, he made up for with his traditional writing style. Hardy wrote a variety of beautiful meters and stanzas with impeccable diction. His most famous collections of poetry include Wessex Poems (1898) and Satir
es of Circumstance
 (1912).  Hardy died in 1928. 

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