Wednesday, December 4, 2013


The scenes that stand out to me the most in The Importance of Being Earnest are those in which the characters engage in witty banter. I really like the scene where Jack and Algernon are talking about Gwendolen and women in general after Lady Bracknell leaves (pg. 25-28). The line that stands out the most to me from this part is when Algernon says, "The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to someone else, if she is plain." This is just one of the epigrams that I find to be humorous throughout the play.

I find a lot of things funny, like when Abby Ryan flipped me off in the parking lot today. My sense of humor has a very wide range so it's usually not that hard to make me laugh. Most of the comedy I like comes from TV or movies, some of my favorites, like many others on here, being Modern Family and SNL. Most of what I've seen of SNL is the more current stuff, mainly from the time when Kristen Wiig was a cast member. She's by far one of my favorite comedians and she never fails to make me laugh, even on the big screen in movies like Bridesmaids. My favorite skits of hers are the ones where she's the Target Lady (watch here. I like the one with JT better but I couldn't find it). I'm also a huge fan of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. I love their individual shows, 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation, but I especially enjoy them together in movies like Baby Mama. I don't want to copy Leah, but I also love Miranda Sings' YouTube videos. A lot of people probably don't think she's that funny, but I think it's so cool that she's been making them for so long and the comedian behind the character, Colleen  Ballinger, is really good at being Miranda. The list of things that I think are funny could go on and on, so I'll stop there. I don't always know why I think things are funny, but the only thing that matters to me is that they entertain me and I enjoy spending my time watching/listening to them.

Oh, I almost forgot. Here's my favorite YouTube video. Make sure you read the comments.


  1. When I saw the video, I knew this was the blog I had to comment on. That video is a masterpiece. I watch it whenever I am sad and have it saved to my desktop. I also like the witty conversations in the play, but especially enjoy some of the ridiculous things the characters say. Some of my favorite lines are
    "If the lower orders don't set us a good example, what on Earth is the use of them?" (2). "Literary criticism is not your forte, my dear... leave that to the people who haven't been to the university" (10). And I also like the quote about women calling each other lots of other things before calling each other sisters.
    I put these 3 quotes in 3 different columns on the chart, but I think they all might be epigrams? I'm not really sure, but I enjoy them because they are either very untrue or simply funny/witty.
    I have a weird sense of humor, but almost anything can make me laugh. Today, Tristan and Caroline took an old picture of me and wrote on it, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I thought this was very funny (and embarrassing) but evidently other people did too because it has 34 favorites on Twitter and counting. I also think it's funny when people do stupid things like in the Jackass TV show and movies. I agree with Adam in liking Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. They are hilarious and I love both of those shows. I laugh at most things, and respond all kinds of comedy.
