Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Heeeaaarrrt Fuuuuuullll of Loooooovvve

Psyche was the third daughter of a king, and just so happened to be the most beautiful. Naturally, everyone adored her, so much so that they even started ignoring Venus (GASP). Like the Greek goddess that she is, Venus got jealous and sent her son, Cupid to take care of the situation. He was instructed to shoot her with one of his arrows and make her fall in love with a monster, but when he saw her beauty, he instead pricked himself with the arrow so he would fall in love with her. Smooooth, Cupid.
Psyche hadn't married yet, however. So her father consulted an oracle and was told she would marry a monster. She was then brought to the top of a mountain where a magical wind brought her to a magical place with magical servants and such. She also had a magic husband who would never allow her to see him. Her meddling sisters had to get in the way of her peace, however, and convinced her to try and take a peek at her husband, and when she did, Cupid got angry with her and stormed off. Man, this sounds like every chick flick ever. Anyway, as Psyche grew desperate trying to find him, she eventually went to Venus, who didn't help at all, but instead set a bunch of tasks for Psyche to complete. When Cupid figured this out he became angry and stopped his mother and married Psyche and they all lived happily ever after.

Ooooh boy. Greatest love story ever told? Well crap.


*sweats nervously*

Give me a minute.

I know we're really going for romantic love here but I just keep thinking of familial love stories so we'll go with that.

James Potter and Lily Evans. The classic Pride-and-Prejudice-esque tale of boy likes girl, girl doesn't like boy, boy is persistent, they fall in love, yay. While I do enjoy their own little short-lived (literally) romance, it's not quite as epic as their love for their son.
They were in the middle of the First Wizarding War, and crazily brought a son into it as well when they were only 20 years old. They dropped their lives for the safety of their son and went into hiding from Lord Voldemort. And on that fateful night of October 31st, 1981, two 21-year-olds, practically still children themselves, sacrificed their lives so that their son could live. James tried to take on the Dark Lord completely wandless, obviously knowing that he would die, so that he could delay Voldemort enough that Lily and Harry could get away, but to no avail.
Right before she was killed, Lily tried to sacrifice herself for Harry. Her love for him literally shielded him from one of the most powerful wizards alive and even ripped Voldemort's "soul" from his body.
Take Me Instead
Bridget Vaughn

If that's not love, then my whole life is a lie. 

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