Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Humor in Earnest

I have caught myself laughing out loud at several points while reading the importance of being Earnest. "Algy" is the character that without a doubt comes out as the most appealing humor wise, and I think that his interactions with his manservant Lane are especially entertaining because they demonstrate how little Lane is thought of in that society, to the point where it is humorous. Particularly the opening scene page 2, Lane and Algy are talking briefly about Lane's personal when Algy quickly remarks how depressing Lane's life is with no consideration for his feelings. This scene hyperbolizes the interactions between the wealthy and the help that remains relevant even today.

I think some of the best modern human comes from the show modern family. This program doesn't strive to be vulgar or crude like so many of the other comedy programs of today, but still retains its hilariousness through witty observation and circumstance. For instance in a recent episode Phil Dunfy, the father of the main family, thinks he has the solution to not falling down while cleaning out the gutters through an ingenious device. When he activates it however, he accidentally causes a birds nest to fall killing the babies. Distraught, Phil pleads with the mother crow for forgiveness in a child-like manner, but to the audiences amusement, a flock of crows begins to gather on the house to Phil's chagrin. This may be a poor representation of the show because my words cannot do justice, but I think modern family defies the modern comedy and because of their efforts, are one of the funniest programs on tv.

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