Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Would you like some hot sauce with your burnt offering?

So God was on some weird stuff one day and felt like messing with his favorite human, Abraham. And so, God, told Abraham to take Isaac, his son, to the land of Moriah and offer him up for sacrifice. Abraham being the God-fearing or God-loving man he is took his son to the lamd of Moriah to be sacrificed to God. I can only imagine the conversation: "Son, I'm takong you to this mountain top to sacrifice you to God... I love you! Stay strong!" Isaac is just like  "it's because i took the mule out joyriding again and missed curfew... Im sorry dad! Can I live?" Abraham: "obviously you can't, cause God told me to sacrifice you." Spoiler alert: isaac ends up not being sacrificed and this experience makes for great table talk. "Hey dad remember when you to me to Moriah to sacrifice me to God... And oh yeah can you passs the salt? My food isn't salty enough."

True sacrifice to me is giving the last of anything (doesn't always have to be the last) that belongs to you to someone else. Rather it be a chicken nugget, slice of pizza, homework, or your life. True sacrifice should always end wirh the recipient feeling really guilty and the person sacrificing morally satisfied.

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