Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Echo and Narcissus

Echo was a nymph who was cursed by Hera. Echo is cursed to repeat everything that anyone says. Narcissus was a man that had no intent to love anyone. Narcissus was a beautiful nymph, and one day Echo met him and fell in love. Echo followed Narcissus around the woods and eventually Narcissus found out that she was creeping on him and so he told Echo to leave. A man named Ameinius also fell in love with Narcissus, and so Narcissus sent him a sword for him to prove his love towards him. Ameinius convinced the gods to curse Narcissus, shortly before he killed himself with the sword. Later, Narcissus came into contact with his reflection, and he fell in love with himself.

An altruistic person that I admire is myself. I just appreciate how I care for other people, and that I set aside being comfortable for the good of others. I wish other people could be as altruistic as me. It'd make the world a better place. I remember one time I took out the trash because my brother was out of town and couldn't do it. That's pure altruism right there.

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