Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abraham and many sons

In this story God decides that Abraham is a pretty holy guy. But, God decides to test Abraham's loyalty to him. God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham obeys his command reluctantly and brings Abraham to a mountain top to kill him. Right before he does some angels come out of nowhere and tell them that they're being 'Punk'd'. Instead, Abraham was told to sacrifice a ram. God rewarded Abraham's loyalty by telling him that he would have a lot of ancestors.

True sacrifice is setting aside what you like to do what is right. True sacrifice is not really an issue in our American culture. True sacrifice is working as soon as you turn 13 to support your family. This mainly occurs in impoverished areas, often in different countries. I don't know real struggle. Some people sacrifice meals so that their family can eat, and some people sacrifice internet usage so that they can study for Calculus. The former is obviously the more true sacrifice, but even with the lack of this true sacrifice in some people's lives, it doesn't mean that they don't have to choose the right or wrong thing to do in situations.

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