Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Okay. Luckily the main character of this story's name is Jason, as all the other characters names I can hardly pronounce. But I'll begin. Jason was the son of the king of Iolcus, but his uncle Pelias had usurped the throne.  His uncle kept Jason's father as a prisoner, but Jason's mother faked Jason's death so he was never held prisoner. When Jason was of age, he set out on a journey to reclaim his kingdom. Hera contrived a test that would see whether Jason was truly fit to be king. He staged a woman who must be helped across the stream, would Jason help the woman or simply go on about his business? He did not think twice; he helped her across. But the woman was none other than Hera herself. Helping her, Jason lost his shoe. This is significant because an oracle had told King Pelias to be wary of a man in one shoe. Jason finally met King Pelias, who told him if he wanted to be king he must find the Golden Fleece. An impossible task. But alas, Jason constructed a group called the argonauts to help him and set off. They completed many a difficult tasks and finally was faced with the last one, Jason had to plant a field of dragon teeth. The dragons teeth would then grow into an army of men, and Jason would have to defeat them. The king's daughter Medea fell in love with Jason, and, lucky for him, she was a sorceress. She allowed him to defeat the army and Jason took the fleece, becoming king. 

My favorite story of love and revenge is Bridesmaids. While it may not be deemed the typical love story, it is none the less a tragic love tale. See, Annie loved Lillian. They were best friends. But then, Helen comes along. And Annie is upset, because it's like Helen had replaced her. So she wanted to get revenge. And began to ruin everything for Lillian, who was getting married. After much painful watching and secondhand embarrassment, the story is finally resolved, and they all become friends. And they all love each other once again.

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