Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Echo and Narcissus

Echo is a talkative nymph who tricks Zeus's wife, Hera. Hera had none of that and decided to punish the nymph by making her only able to repeat the last parts of things, known as the aural effect. Echo was chilling in the woods one day when she caught a glimpse of Narcissus, who she then falls deeply in love with. (this whole falling in love with Greek gods never really seem to work out, ya feel?) Echo reveals herself and her love to Narcissus who rejects it. Echo is sad and disappears but remains an "echo." The gods were fed up with heartbreak Narcissus so they cursed him in that he could only fall in love with himself so Narcissus then looks at his reflection and falls in love with himself. And Narcissus and Narcissus lived happily ever after.

So, I know some narcissistic people and some altruistic people. I personally enjoy the company of altruistic people but I enjoy the entertainment of narcissistic people because it is ridiculous that someone can be so in love with themselves. I'm not going to call anyone out because I know that EVERYONE as some point can be even a little narcissistic. Its just how us as humans naturally are, some a little more than others.

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